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lower house 〔常用 lower home〕下院,眾議院。

lower limit

Transportation lines are read , “ trade center station hotel “ : 5 road : hongshan 30b - station road 9 : chinese text area - 26 hsintien old clothes market lu : jinshan residential areas - 51 station road : taiwan jiang cinema - 52 station road : dark blue hsia metro - 949 province road swimming : lower house - 966 station road : fujian college of engineering - awarded ambassador wu scheduled : agricultural university - station asia scheduled : city sports center - station 交通資訊公交線路均經過“外貿中心酒店站”有: 5路:洪山西客站-火車站9路:文華社區-新店舊貨市場26路:金山住宅區-火車站51路:臺江影院-火車站52路:蒼霞新城-省游泳館949路:下院-火車站966路:福建工程學院-華塑二廠農大專線:農業大學-火車站亞細亞專線:市體育中心-火車站

Rather the glory street is total long 200 rice , cover 15 , 000 square meter , building area 1 , 700 square meter , from high and low house 120 store for constituting 51th houses differently special features , each of styles that mistake fall . whole street just uses to settle the small type in on behalf building style , it is according to what qianlong s south cruises the diagram design , in the street the ensign recruits the exhibition , the signboard is well - found , reappearing the prospects of the peaceful times 寧榮街總長二百米,占地一萬五千平方米,建筑面積一千七百平方米,由高低錯落的房屋一百二十間組成了五十一家不同特色,風格各異的店鋪。整條街采用了清代小式建筑風格,它是參照乾隆南巡圖設計的,街上旗幌招展,牌匾齊全,再現了康乾盛世的景象。

The constitution neverenvisaged upper and lower houses of the diet being controlled by opposing parties , and since the upper house has nearly equal powers to the lower one , the opposition can frustrate virtually every government initiative 朝野政黨分別控制國會眾、參兩院主導權的情況是憲法中沒有預見到的;并且由于參議院有與眾議院相當的權力,執政黨的任何政策意圖都將被在野黨全數封殺。

There is an up - side - lower housing prices and rents will help hong kong regain its competitive edge . inflation has dropped and is likely to continue falling . the hong kong dollar has remained rock solid in the face of speculative attacks 不過情況也有好的一面? ?樓價和租金下調將有助香港恢復競爭力;通脹已下跌,并會繼續下調;港元面對投機沖擊,仍然穩如磐石;東亞入口貨物較前廉宜。

There is an up - side - lower housing prices and rents will help hong kong regain its competitive edge . inflation has dropped and is likely to continue falling . the hong kong dollar has remained rock solid in the face of speculative attacks 不過情況也有好的一面樓價和租金下調將有助香港恢復競爭力通脹已下跌,并會繼續下調港元面對投機沖擊,仍然穩如磐石東亞入口貨物較前廉宜。

His other , more complicated option , is to use united russia ' s dominance of the duma , the lower house of parliament , to change the constitution and devolve real power to the prime minister , turning the presidency into more of a ceremonial job 他有另一個更加復雜的選擇,就是利用統一俄羅斯黨在杜馬(議會下院)中的絕對多數的優勢,把總統職位變成更多的是象征性的。

On top of that , the realty development will also be pushed with the power of a series of positive policy , such as lowering housing loan interests , longing the loan terms , and promoting the modernization of housing industries 此外,降低住房貸款利率、延長住房貸款期限,推進住宅產業現代化等積極政策的實施,也將大大推動地產業的發展。

The present two - chamber system began in the 14th century in england : the house of lords the upper house and the house of commons the lower house sit separately and are constituted on entirely different principles 在14世紀,英格蘭開始實行現在的兩院制:貴族院(上院)和平民院(下院) 。兩院依據完全不同的原則組成。

Thanks to him , mr abe inherited not just a huge majority for the ldp - led coalition in the lower house of the diet ( parliament ) , but also a stronger office of the traditionally weak prime minister 多虧了小泉,安倍繼承了一大筆可觀的“遺產” :自民黨領導的同盟在眾議院占多數席位,以往弱化的首相權力強大到了巔峰。

For instance , trying to drop troops on a low house in hilly terrain that has enemy infantry likely positioned in the hills , or other locations that are higher in elevation than the roof , is a recipe for disaster 例如,試圖把步兵投放到丘陵地帶的較低屋頂上,暴露于丘陵或者更高地方敵軍的火力之下肯定是災難性的。

To limit the enormous damage , the ldp now wants to find a swift successor as party president and therefore ? thanks to the ldp ' s continuing majority in the lower house ? prime minister 為了將動蕩減到最小,自民黨將盡快推選出一位繼任者作為黨內的總裁,并借助自民黨在眾議院的主導權將其推上首相的寶座。

To limit the enormous damage , the ldp now wants to find a swift successor as party president and therefore ? thanks to the ldp ' s continuing majority in the lower house ? prime minister 為了損害程度限制到最小,自民黨需要迅速選出一名黨首繼承人,并憑借在眾議院仍占多數的席位,將其推上首相職位。

As australia ' s new labour laws passed through the lower house of parliament this week , nov 7 - 11 , the imf urges affilliates to participate in global protest action on 14 and 15 由于澳洲已在11月7 - 11日于下議院通過了新的勞工法例, imf呼吁各成員參與在11月14 - 15日舉行的全球抗議行動。

Either way , mr fukuda must then choose whether to let the bill die , or push it into law using the government ' s two - thirds majority in the lower house 不管哪種方法被采用,到時福田都必須在兩種應對方法中抉擇:要么就此讓法案流產,要么利用下議院三分之二的多數將此法案推為法律。

However , despite signs of closer relations , russian lawmakers voted against allowing mr . chavez to address them in a full session of the country ' s lower house of parliament 然而,盡管雙方顯現除了更密切的關系的跡象,俄羅斯立法者否決了讓查韋斯在議會下院大會上作演講的要求。

Parliament ' s lower house has approved legislation which , besides stressing the importance of parental guidance , requires schools to instil “ a love of one ' s country ” in children 議會下院已經通過教改法案,除了強調父母教導的重要性,還要求學校向學生灌輸“愛國之心” 。

The wind and rain beat down on me , and i fell down several times , but finally i arrived at a long , low house , standing rather isolated in the middle of the moor 風裹著雨打在我的身上,我跌倒了好幾次,但終于還是走到了一幢孤零零立在沼澤地中間的長長的矮房子前。

The winner of the ldp leadership race is set to become japan ' s next prime minister because the party holds a majority in the powerful lower house 自民黨總裁競爭的勝利者將擔任日本下任首相,因為自民黨在富有權力的日本國會眾議院擁有多數席位。

In theory mr abe can stumble on without a majority : the lower house , which the ldp coalition controls , picks the prime minister 理論上,在沒有上院多數的情況下,安倍首相可以繼續搖搖欲墜的執政,為自民黨執政聯盟所主導的國會下議院,選擇首相。